Historical background the United States is opposed violently with ...

Middle East

Historical background the United States is opposed violently with ... For students "[Middle East] from trying to learn the world" What is "[Middle East]? " Do you guys have any image to the Middle East? Surely war and terrorism, Islamic fundamentalism, oil money, would be the image, such as desert. In particular, it occurred in the United States. Since the terrorist attacks, the news is just as dark, such as terrorism and war on the Middle East. [Will become what to study such a Middle East? - Some people with this kind of question in everyone. Or [I do not know well, now what you want to know what is happening in the Middle East] will Some people think that. Of course, what is happening in the Middle East is not just about terrorism and war. A large number of people overwhelmingly living in the Middle East is the ordinary people. Sent to the ordinary daily life, we are working to work or study. Some religious enthusiastic people, some appropriate people. Such as the point at which to take care of family and face, meaning the Middle East is for people is similar to the Japanese.
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