Historical background the United States is opposed violently with ...

Turkey and Russia, [historical] in Syria situation agreement photo ...

Historical background the United States is opposed violently with ... Turkey and Russia, in Syria situation [historical] agreement Turkey and Russia the day, withdrew the Syrian Kurdish forces from the vicinity of the pair Turkish border, was agreed to start a joint patrol activities in the region. Leger descriptor Yip Eldo Anne (Recep Tayyip Erdogan) President of Turkey welcomed likened this agreement with the [historical]. Erdogan said the same day, the country's Vladimir Putin in Russia southwest Sochi (Sochi) (Vladimir Putin) President and talks to a few hours. [Subject to an agreement, Turkey and Russia does not allow any separatist plans in the Syrian territory] in a joint press conference after the meeting said. Erdogan also said, Syria's Kurdish armed forces [Kurdish People's Defense Forces (YPG)] is the day must withdraw the weapons and combatants to within 0 hours to the deadline from noon to 0 km or more remote areas from Turkey border announced.
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